He is a dedicated professional, technically extremely qualified, whose treatment is humane and affectionate. Those people that the team misses to working with.
Daniela Dora Eilberg, Ph.D.
Cybercrime Programme Officer and PhD in Criminal Law (UNODC)
I would like to emphasize Luis Gustavo's high level of discretion on dealing with sensitive issues and confidential information, being attentive to details; his high level of respectfulness while working in diplomatic environment; and his capacity in working under pressure. In addition, I point out that Luis Gustavo Cardoso has a high level of intelligence, which certainly puts him in advantage of assuming positions that requires a more pragmatic thinking and, hence, his contribution on issues that involve decision-making.
Maurício Vieira, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Head of the Chair on Countering Illicit Trade and Preventing Transnational Organized Crime at the University for Peace (UPEACE) - UN Mandated | Founder & Executive Director at Educação Global
I had the pleasure to work with Luis Gustavo when he was my internship supervisor at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). He was extremely patient, attentive, engaged and commited to the project, Global Action for Business Integrity, which we worked on together. He always maintained a constructive and dynamic dialog with all our team members inside and outside Brazil, and demonstrated a wealth of knowledge on the subject. Once we worked directly, Luis was always very respectful, professional, and didactic. Even after I left the office, he is solicitous and kind, helping me many times in my own professional path. Very happy to have worked with Luis.
Sofia Steinsack Rocha
Boursière Eiffel | MRIAE Master 1 Relations Internationales et Action à l'Étranger | Université Paris 1 Panthéon
An incredible professional and a human being of unparalleled kindness. I worked in a translation service with Luis Gustavo, where I was the contracted company and he with great excellence conducted the service with a lightness, even though it was such a difficult job, with tight deadlines, where we and he were already very exhausted, but he did not let the stress take over the team.
Aline Bié
CEO (Bié Traduções)

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Av. Prefeito Osmar Cunha, 416, Sala 1108,
CEP 88010-020, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil